On a personal note: I’m humbled and thankful for breaking through the 11 year mark with ALS with my amazing wife, caregiver and Co-Fouñder Linda. There’s no question that I wouldn’t be here and this foundation wouldn’t exist without her tenacity, instincts, passion and boundless love.
We’re also thankful for our seven Innovators Each of these individuals brings a unique perspective and life experience to their individual area of expertise. They also share one common trait - a passion to help the hurting.
We’re particularly thankful that three of the seven Innovators are strong, visionary women. We were just notified that Robin Gentry-McGee, Founder and CEO of Functional Formularies (http://www.functionalformularies.com/) was just named as one of 35 World Changing Women In Conscious Business (#27 in this article).(https://consciouscompanymedia.com/sustainable-business/35-world-changing-women-in-conscious-business-2019/).
A common trait Robin shares with her sister Innovators is refusing to accept the status quo for hurting people. All three have specific life experiences that were “lightbulb moments” which inspired their innovations.
For Robin, her Father sustained a traumatic brain injury and Doctors painted a bleak picture for his recovery. He was in a coma and required tube feeding. During a hospital visit Robin read the ingredient list on her Dad’s
formula package. That was her lightbulb moment. The unfortunate standard of care in hospitals for tube fed formulas are formulas which are loaded with sugars, cheap carbs and artificial vitamins.
formula package. That was her lightbulb moment. The unfortunate standard of care in hospitals for tube fed formulas are formulas which are loaded with sugars, cheap carbs and artificial vitamins.
As a trained Chef who had worked only with organic foods, Robin knew instinctively her Dad needed real food to have any chance for recovery. After much experimentation in her home kitchen Robin found a combination of legumes, vegetables, oils, spices and other real food ingredients that replaced the hospital formula. Her Father improved So much improvement that the day cane where her Dad stood up and shook the hand of one of the Doctors who told Robin he’d never recover The Doctor told Robin “What you done here is a miracle.” Food as medicine - what a concept. Robin launched Functional Formularies and over just five years has helped thousands of adults and children improve their quality of life with her products Liquid Hope & Nourish.
Then we have Dr. Rupal Patel, Founder and CEO of VocalID (https://vocalid.ai/ ). Rupal was teaching speech language pathology and associated curricula at Northeastern University when she had her lightbulb moment. Rupal was at a Conference with other educators, clinicians and patients. When she heard conversations involving speech impaired patients “speaking” using devices pre-loaded with synthetic voices. It struck her that many of the patients, whether a 12 year old girl or a 55 year old man, were often using the same voice. As Rupal says in her first TED Talk: “We wouldn’t dream of giving a prosthetic leg of a grown man to a young girl. Why then, the same prosthetic voice? I wanted to do something about this.”
The result was the creation of a unique process of combining digital recordings of a healthy donor voice with any sound from the recipient/patient. The product of the process is a synthetic voice that contains the “vocal DNA” of the patient with the vocal clarity of the donor. A voice that is unique to that individual. A voice that makes them distinctive - again.
Rupal has been recognized in a number of publications including Wired, the Wall Street Journal, NPR and more. She was also recognized as a “Top Women in Cloud” by CloudNOW. (https://youtu.be/F-qwuG8Eweo)
Our newest Innovator is Julie Lineberger, Founder and CEO of WheelPad (https://www.wheelpad.com/). Julie’s lightbulb moment came as a result of a tragic accident that left her Godson, Riley Poor, a tetraplegic. After Riley’s rehabilitation he had a challenging time finding an accessible apartment. When he decided to buy a house, he worked with Julie and her husband Joe’s firm Linesync Architecture to make the home accessible From the time of Riley’s accident to completion of the home renovations was three years. But not everyone in Riley’s situation is related to an architect.
This experience caused Julie to work with Riley and Joe to develop a solution for others who would find themselves in a similar position. The result is WheelPad is an eco-friendly 200 square foot universally accessible modular addition (bed & bath) that can be temporarily or permanently attached to an existing home.
Julie has been recognized as a Top Socialpreneur by Leading Women Entrepreneur and Women’s Day Magazine (http://blog.nj.com/leading_women_entrepreneurs/2017/05/the_top_25_leading_women_annou.html).
We are honored to be associated with these amazing women. We wish them all the best in 2019. We thank them for their collective passion, heart but most of all, for their friendship.